In the Professor Of Magical Studies IF novel, you’ll be researching magic and teaching it to students! What could possibly go wrong? You might learn world-ending magic.

Read the official announcement on Twitter.

The Professor Of Magical Studies IF is a 500,000-word interactive fantasy novel by Stephen Granade. Like other interactive stories published by Choice Of Games, it’s completely text-based.

There are no graphics or sound effects to accompany the game—the strongest GPU is your imagination! You’re a practitioner of pattern magic, which allows you to reshape the very nature of reality.

You’ve been hired for your first teaching position at Winfield Phillips, a seemingly normal college with a secret magic department. What could go wrong?

First of all, your former school rival, Darcy Bozeman is also a magic professor there. They’ll be trying to undermine your every action.

Watch the trailer now!
Here is a full list of features from the official listing:
  • Play as male, female, or nonbinary; gay, straight, asexual, aromantic, or poly.
  • Create new and irresponsibly dangerous magical patterns.
  • Improve your student advisee’s skills and confidence, or terrorize them to boost your own research.
  • Deal with petty university politics, if you want to have any hope of getting tenure.
  • Romance a brilliant algebraic geometrist who doesn’t know about magic, the city councilperson assigned to work with Winfield Phillips, the CEO of a magical company, the friend who betrayed you, or even the extra-dimensional being who comes to live in your head.
  • Uncover what really happened to the professor who vanished, leading to you being hired.
  • Save the world from an extra-dimensional threat—or use the threat to become leader of the survivors.

This interactive novel sounds perfect for fans of Harry Potter, and other magical-school-related games. It’ll be perfect if you’re waiting for Hogwarts Legend next year.

To celebrate the release, it’ll be on sale for 33% off until December 15th. You can also play the first three chapters online for free, but you’ll need to purchase the rest.

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