The SeedComp Interactive Fiction competition has started! It’s a game jam taking place on Itch.Io and the perfect place for authors looking for inspiration.

Read the official game jam announcement!
Interested in participating in the SeedComp Interactive Fiction jam? Head over to the contest’s official website to get started.

This game jam will be split into two rounds: “Planting” and “Sprouting”. In the first part, authors can submit “Seeds” to the competition.

These Seeds can be anything from ideas to game introductions, design documents, characters, or even poems. You can submit as many seeds as you want!

All seeds will be screened by the organizers for trolling/abuse. They must also be your own creation, and licensed under a CC BY-NC License or similar.

If your seed is selected, it’ll go into the next round of the game jam—Sprouting. You can sign up for the second round here.

In the second round of the SeedComp Interactive Fiction game jam, authors will use the winning seeds from the previous round to create interactive fiction experiences.

Authors may choose to incorporate multiple seeds into one, and submitted entries must be completed. Not sure what authoring tools to use? We’ve got a list.

Important dates and times.
  • Round 1 – “Planting” will run from December 7th to January 7th.
  • Round 2 – “Sprouting” will run from January 9th to March 1st.

What are you waiting for? Head over and join the game jam now! You can choose to participate in one or both rounds.

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